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The staff at West Alabama Urology Associates enjoy hearing from our patients about their experience with us. Click on the links below to read testimonials from our patients.

Patient Benefits From Botox Bladder Injections

I was diagnosed with MS in 1994, and in 1996 I had a debilitating attack that left me completely paralyzed from my waist down. This was life altering in so many ways. Incontinence soon became an issue which caused me to have to do self-catheterization for a couple of years, until I regained some use of my bladder. I continued to have trouble with incontinence and was spending a great deal on depends, etc. I was also having bladder infections very frequently. In the fall of 2011, I saw Dr. Howard Winfield and his associate Ms. Susan Windham. He prescribed a medication, which helped some, but did not control my incontinence, especially at night.

On a following visit Dr. Winfield and Ms. Windham talked to me about a new treatment, Botox Injections into the bladder, and they felt that I was a good candidate for the procedure. I had this procedure done in December 2011, and it was a success. Even though they had told me that after the procedure it was a possibility that I would need self-catheterization again, I have been able to empty my bladder without catheters. This is a simple procedure, and can be repeated when needed. This procedure has been very beneficial to me.

Kidney Surgery Patient Finds “Winning Team”

When I learned recently that I needed kidney surgery, I was terrified. I had heard stories of kidney surgery patients having lengthy and painful recovery periods. So when Dr. Howard Winfield – of West Alabama Urology Associates – told me he was going to perform my surgery laparoscopically and using the da Vinci Surgical System, I couldn’t believe it!

My kidney condition ended up requiring a difficult and complicated operation. Even so, Dr. Winfield successfully completed the entire procedure using the minimally invasive techniques we had discussed. Following my surgery, I experienced a speedy and uneventful recovery. I was out of the hospital and free of all pain meds within three days and back at work in less than two weeks! One month after my surgery, I was feeling wonderful and had resumed doing all the things I love to do.

West Alabama Urology Associates utilizes a group of highly skilled physicians and surgeons, the latest technologies, and a tremendous support staff to produce the best possible outcome for the patient. Additionally, they are among the few urology practices to employ the services of a certified nurse practitioner to enhance patient care.

In Alabama, we love our winning teams. Based upon the skillful and compassionate treatment I received during my illness and surgery, I can truly say that West Alabama Urology Associates is Tuscaloosa’s winning team for urological care.

Treatment of Low Testosterone improves daily life for men

“Since my husband started testosterone replacement his energy now is terrific and since he’s more active his diabetes seems more easily controlled. He seems to be losing weight more easily. But what really pleases me is his mood is SO MUCH better! He’s the great guy I remember that I married..”

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