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- Disc Decompression
Disc Decompression at The SpineCare Center
Advanced Spine Treatments in Tuscaloosa
Disc Decompression the latest advance in back pain relief. At DCH Health System’s SpineCare Center, our board-certified surgeons have been performing disc decompression for over 15 years, and we were the first in the Southeast to do so. It’s just one of our many treatments for spine related pain and injury. So, when you want leading-edge treatment and individualized care, we’re here to help.
You may be a candidate for disc decompression surgery is you experience radicular pain and conservative/nonsurgical treatments have failed to provide relief. Patients who undergo disc decompression are those who experience pain that radiates along the spinal nerve root, often resulting in lower back pain down that runs down the leg to the foot.
What Is Disc Decompression?
Also called percutaneous discectomy, this minimally invasive outpatient surgery is used to treat pain symptoms of the intervertebral spinal discs. The procedure is generally well-tolerated, as it is far less invasive and has a much more rapid recovery compared to open surgical procedures such as laminectomy. The X-ray guided procedure is relatively brief, usually less than 45 minutes. Your surgeon will use a needle placed into the painful disc to remove the nucleus pulposus material, which relieves the pressure on the nerve root behind the disc.
Disc decompression is very safe and effective in treating disc-related back and leg pain for patients who are good candidates.