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Psychiatric Treatment in Tuscaloosa

Compassionate Mental Health Services

What Happens in Treatment

Each patient we see begins treatment at North Harbor Pavilion with a comprehensive assessment conducted by our treatment team. During this assessment, patients can discuss their current situation, concerns, and presenting problems. When necessary, our treatment team will work with the patient’s family and loved ones to fully understand the patient’s history.

Within the first 72 hours of treatment, patients are given the opportunity to participate in the creation of their customized treatment plan that addresses their medical and psychiatric needs. We offer a range of treatment-related activities that provide each patient with opportunities to focus on a strong, successful recovery.

Typical psychiatric treatment activities we offer at North Harbor Pavilion include:

  • Goal Meetings help the patient and staff members develop a clear focus for the day. In these meetings, the patient and the program staff discuss ways to work together to help the patient achieve the goals listed on his or her treatment plan.
  • Group Therapy offers members the support and companionship of others who might be experiencing similar problems and issues. There are many different kinds of group therapies, and the goal of all therapy groups is to help individuals grow emotionally and solve personal problems through the power of the group.
  • Recreational Therapy is offered to both adult and geriatric patients. The goals of recreational therapy on each unit are different. For our adult patients, the focus is on identifying leisure interests and how these activities and interests can be used as ways to cope with symptoms of mental illness. Individuals have the opportunity to learn new leisure skills, improve upon current stress management techniques, and participate in music therapy. With the geriatric population, the focus is more on increasing positive social interactions and remaining active. Patients participate in exercise groups, learn about current events, and participate in other leisure activities, such as art therapy.

Medication Management & Education

Medications often play a significant role in psychiatric stabilization and treatment. Individuals are provided with information about prescribed medications and the importance of taking medications as directed. Patients and their loved ones are encouraged to ask the treatment team questions about prescribed medications. If an individual experiences side effects from a medication or would like to discontinue a medication for any reason, he or she is highly encouraged to discuss this with the prescribing physician.

Departure from North Harbor Pavilion

The discharge planning process begins upon a patient's admission to the program. North Harbor's goal is to provide a seamless transition from the hospital to the best environment for the patient's continued success. To the extent possible, patients are encouraged to be a part of the discharge planning process. Social workers work to develop a discharge plan that takes a patient's needs and abilities into account. The patient's treating psychiatrist also has an active role in the process of determining when a patient is ready for discharge from North Harbor.


Each patient will be provided with discharge instructions prior to leaving North Harbor. This document will typically refer the patient to additional services outside of North Harbor. The process of recovery that began at North Harbor should ideally continue on an outpatient basis, with the patient seeing a physician to monitor and manage medications, as well as a therapist or case manager to continue to address long-term needs.

To learn more about North Harbor Pavilion, ask your physician, mental health professional, or call us at (205) 330-3838.

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