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Tuscaloosa Mental Health Services

The Beginning of Healing

North Harbor Pavilion provides inpatient mental health treatment for adults and senior adults alike. Located on the campus of Northport Medical Center in Tuscaloosa County, patients being cared for at North Harbor will receive excellent mental health treatment from a team of skilled and compassionate mental health professionals, including board certified psychiatrists. Patients will be provided with individualized nursing care, group therapy, medication management, recreational therapy , mental health education and a plan for continued success upon discharge. Our goal is to manage each patients day-to-day symptoms to improve their quality of life.

Our programs include:

  • Our Adult Program: Individuals 18 years of age and older experiencing severe mental health symptoms will be cared for at North Harbor in our adult program. North Harbor’s adult program provides 24-hour inpatient mental health treatment and care. Patients are seen daily by a psychiatrist, as well as other mental health professionals. Our adult program cares for an individual until he or she has reached a safe, stable condition and can be harmlessly discharged to receive next level of care services. The adult program can accommodate care for up to 24 adults.. Each individual is assessed in the Northport Medical Center Emergency Department (or the closest emergency department to the patient) to determine if criteria for admission to the adult program is fitting. Prior to admission to North Harbor, individuals will receive medical clearance by a physician.
  • Our Senior Adult Program: Our senior adult program provides a safe and secure environment for senior adults experiencing symptoms of mental health which require 24-hour observance in an inpatient setting. Individuals in the North Harbor senior program can expect daily visits by a board certified psychiatrist whom specializes in working with senior adults. Patients are closely monitored by nursing staff, as well as other mental health professionals. Our senior adult program provides a short-term stay. This program can accommodate care for up to 26 senior adults. Each individually assessed in the Northport Medical Center Emergency Department (or the closest emergency department to the patient) to determine if admission to the program would be beneficial. Senior adults will receive medical clearance by a physician before they are admitted to North Harbor Pavilion.

To learn more about the mental health services provided at North Harbor Pavilion , ask your physician, mental health professional, or call us at (205) 330-3838.

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