- Services
- Emergency Services
- Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
Tuscaloosa Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
Intensive Care for Our Tiniest Patients
Having a baby prematurely or born with serious health issues can be one of the most overwhelming events in a parent’s life. Our Level lll neonatal intensive care units provide the highest level of care with life-saving technologies and compassionate support.
Your Baby may be admitted to NICU if:
- He or she is born early
- A health condition is recognized before the baby is born
- The baby experiences an especially difficult delivery
- He or she show signs of a health problem in the first few days of life
- A baby’s stay in NICU depends upon his or her specific condition. A NICU stay can range from 1 day to several months.
Some of the most common conditions treated at DCH Health System NICU include:
- Prematurity
- Breathing or Lung problems
- Infections
- Metabolic disorders
- Birth defects
- Genetic conditions
If your baby has to spend time at either our Regional Medical Center NICU or Northport Medical Center NICU, a multidisciplinary team of experts provide care. Our Neonatologists are pediatricians with a specialty in caring for sick babies. They are on the unit or are on call 24 hours a day and exam each baby daily. The Neonatal Nurse Practitioners are specially trained registered nurses who manage the medical care of each baby and are available on the unit daily. Other members of your baby’s care team include respiratory therapists, pharmacists, social workers, lactation consultants, occupational, speech and music therapists and Pastoral Care Services.
Family-Centered Care
Parents are an essential part of their child’s health care team, and are welcome to be with their infant 24 hours a day.
We support family bonding and are responsive to parent feedback and try to make families feel comfortable in the NICU environment.
That is why we encourage participation by parents during daily rounds to discuss their baby’s progress and care plans. Breastfeeding support and Care Management services are available to all families. We provide Lullaby time daily which allows families to enjoy time with their baby without disturbances. Translation services are available 24/7. Our Sweet Peas organization provide parent education and information on follow-up care.