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Your Care Team

Helping Patients and Their Loved Ones Cope with the Realities of Cancer

The Manderson Cancer Center is committed to caring for the whole patient, which means much more than simply treating and managing their ailments. Our Patient & Family Support Care Team offers a wide array of support services to help patients and their families through the various stages of illness with compassion and understanding.

Social Workers

Our social workers provide practical assistance to help patients obtain resources at the cancer center and in the community for transportation, overnight accommodations, medical equipment, medication assistance, and financial and insurance information. You may contact one of our social workers to arrange a consultation time for you and/or your family to help with concerns and to find solutions that best meet your needs.

If you are a patient of Dr. Hinton or Dr. Tucker, please call Berni DellaPenna, ACBSW, at 205-759-6253.

If you are a patient of Dr. Bostick, Dr. Hughes, Dr. Evans or Dr. Crew, call Jennifer Walker, LBSW, at 205-750-5172.

Breast Patient Navigator

The Patient Navigator is here to provide support, hope and encouragement for breast cancer patients, their families, and caregivers. The Navigator serves as a conduit to the community, social and psychological services and assists patients throughout all phases of their treatment plan. Please talk with your physician about meeting with the Patient Navigator.

Nutritional Support/Oncology Dieticians

Cancer can place a lot of nutritional demand on the body. Our registered dietitians work with the patient and their care team to develop personalized, nutritious and balanced eating information to maximize the potential to receive nutrients needed during this critical time. Dietitians are available to help with a scheduled appointment or by physician referral. To schedule an appointment, call 205-343-8767.

Oncology Chaplain

The experience created by cancer treatment often creates a spiritual/religious and emotional need that is just as important to meet as the physical needs of our patients. Cancer patients all need a supportive human touch and someone to share their intensely personal journey. Our chaplains are charged with the responsibility of ministering to the needs of people in crisis and to aid the medical staff and clergy in the emotional and spiritual care of our patients. The chaplain is the person to whom any individual may turn in a time of crisis with the assurance that his or her confidence and personal beliefs will be respected. Chaplains are available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Contact one of our chaplains at 205-759-7212.

Outreach Coordinator

Our Outreach Coordinator facilitates support groups and maintains a calendar of community events, workshops and educational programs for our patients. She works closely with our community to remain aware of special programs and offerings extended to cancer patients. You can reach our Outreach Coordinator directly at 205-759-7877. Click here for more information about our support group meetings and programs.

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