- Services
- Cancer Treatment
- For Patients and Families
- On-Site Amenities
Other Services & Amenities
Belcher Chapel
DCH Health System provides interfaith chapels on each of its campuses which are dedicated places for personal prayer and meditation by patient, family members, visitors, volunteers and hospital staff, and for the performance of religious rites, worship services and meetings in support of the health system's mission. The Belcher Chapel is located on the main floor of the Lewis and Faye Manderson Cancer Center and is open during the Center's normal business hours.
The Boutique
The Boutique at the Manderson Cancer Center is available for all of your pre and post-operative breast care needs. We carry a variety of bras and prosthetics that ease the client through the stages of recovery before and after breast cancer. We also carry compression garments, hats, wigs and gift items. The Boutique is an accredited facility that can file Medicare and private insurance companies for bras and prosthetics. Located on the main floor of the Manderson Cancer Center and staffed by certified and licensed mastectomy fitters, Leigh Fair and Claudia Van Winkle. Clients are seen by appointment Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. An appointment is necessary for bra/prosthetic fittings to ensure proper fit and to bill insurance. To make an appointment, call 205-759-7023 or 205-750-5173.
Family Resource Library
Located on the main floor of the Manderson Cancer Center, the Family Resource Library contains a collection of reliable information about cancer. There are resources pertaining to treatment and disease information, coping and support, and talking with children about cancer, as well as other topics. Free materials are available at the resource library.
Free Wi-Fi
Free Wi-Fi is provided for patients and family members. To access our Wi-Fi, look for the wireless network “dchpub” on your mobile device or laptop. If you have any issues connecting to the Wi-Fi service, please ask a staff member to call the Manderson Cancer Center IT, and someone will assist you with connecting.
Food and Beverage Services
The cancer center has two vending machines available on the main floor, located between the art gallery and the chapel. On the main floor of the hospital, you will find both the Patio Grille Cafeteria and The Sidewalk Café. A refreshment cart is in the main lobby of the Phelps Outpatient Center, serving a variety of snacks and beverages. Click here for more information.
Security and Safety
All DCH employees are required to wear a picture identification badge with the DCH logo on it, so our patients can know the staff members taking care of them. Our trained Security staff works to keep you safe. Security is available 24-hours a day, seven days a week. Our Security staff may be contacted at 205-759-7320 for assistance with:
- Escort and security service
- Reports and investigations
- Vehicle assistance, such as "jump starting" batteries
- Patient valuables and lost-and-found items
- Parking enforcement and patrol
- Education and enforcement of hospital access and policies
Susan Bostick MD
- Hematology/Oncology
View Profile -
David L Hinton MD
- Hematology/Oncology
View Profile -
Andrew Harrell MD
- Surgery
205.345.2211View Profile -
Smith Giri
- Hematology/Oncology
205.759.7800View Profile -
James W Evans MD
- Hematology/Oncology
View Profile -
Pamela Hughes MD
- Hematology/Oncology
View Profile -
Grant R Williams MD
- Hematology/Oncology
View Profile
Related Locations
Lewis and Faye Manderson Cancer Center General 809 University Blvd. E.
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Map & Directions