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The federal government specifically the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services requires all hospitals to post their "standard charges" on the hospital's website. The information provided is a comprehensive list of non-pharmacy and pharmacy charges for each inpatient and outpatient service or item provided by DCH Health System hospitals.

We encourage all patients to find out as much as they can about the cost of their care before coming to the hospital. That said, this information, also known as a chargemaster, is not intended as a helpful tool for patients to comparison shop between hospitals or to estimate what health care services are going to cost them out of their own pocket. If you have insurance, you should check with your insurance company to find out if the service is covered and what your copayments and deductibles might be. The same is true if you’re on Medicaid or Medicare. If you don’t have health coverage, call 205-750-5004 and ask to speak with a patient account representative. This person can provide estimates of your bill and work with you to come up with a plan for payment. Based on the information you provide, you may be able to get financial assistance.

DCH Patient Estimator Portal (Regional/Northport)

DCH Patient Estimator Portal (Fayette)

List of Charges

Read more about how you can avoid surprise medical bills.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama Patients: If you are covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama, you may also use their online Treatment Cost Estimator. This tool allows members to search different treatments and find out what the cost will be to them based on their actual benefits. Click here for the Tool Estimator.