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MyDCH: Hospitals

My DCH - Patient Records Access Portal logo

Welcome to MyDCH, DCH Health System's patient portal. MyDCH Patient Portal is an online tool that goes a step beyond simply displaying information by helping you manage your health care easily and securely.

MyDCH Sign In

Available at Your Convenience

We understand that that your time is valuable. MyDCH makes things simple – a few clicks, and you’re done.

  • Access your complete health information online, rather than over the phone or in person
  • Update your personal information

You Choose When and Where

Access MyDCH on your schedule, whether at home, on vacation or at another medical office.

  • Use MyDCH from anywhere using a web browser
  • Access from your smartphone or tablet
  • Manage information 24-7 without waiting



Also available on iOS and Android through the MHealth App.

For Patients with accessibility issues, use the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) link below.

WCAG MyDCH Patient Portal


Keep the Most Important People in the Loop

  • Give authorized family members access to your health information
  • Parents can view their children’s records if they have proxy access
  • Kids age 14 and over can have their own access separate from parents

To sign up:

Please click on the links below to access your online medical record or reset your password.