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BEE Award Goes to Michael Allgood

Congratulations to BEE winner Michael Allgood, MRI Technologist in the Radiology Department at DCH Regional Medical Center.

Michael was nominated by a patient.

“I have always had a hard time having MRIs because of my severe claustrophobia. During the first part of the test, Michael pulled me out of the machine to check on me. He reassured me that I was doing well and encouraged me to relax as we moved to the next part. He really took the time to make me feel comfortable, even preparing a towel for me so I wouldn't have to see the machine. He explained exactly what he was doing at every step and kept me informed on how much longer each set of pictures would take. He promised he would be back after a certain amount of time, and he kept that promise. Throughout the entire scan, Michael made sure I was updated and at ease.

I’ve had many MRIs in my life, but I’ve never had an experience quite like this. Michael’s professionalism and kindness made it the best MRI I’ve ever had. He made me feel like he truly cared for me, and I am so grateful for his exceptional care. If I ever need another MRI, I will definitely return to see Michael. He’s truly great at his work!”

BEE stands for Being Exceptional Everyday. This award recognizes extraordinary service from our non-nursing staff. Any employee from any department (except RNs) can be nominated for the BEE Award. RNs are recognized for exceptional service with The DAISY Award.

BEE Award nominations will be accepted from patients, patients’ family members, physicians, DCH employees and volunteers. If you’ve experienced or witnessed extraordinary service from a DCH team member, then nominate that person for the BEE Award.

Clear display boxes, which include printed nomination forms, are located throughout DCH hospitals for both the BEE Award and The DAISY Award. Click here to use the electronic forms.