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Congratulations to Sharrell Ward, DCH's latest BEE Award winner

We're excited to announce our latest BEE Award winner, Sharrell Ward (ED, RMC).

Here is the nomination, written by the wife of a patient (protected health information omitted for patient privacy):

My husband was admitted and as soon as he walked in the door, Sharrell treated him with a great warmth and care beyond any patient care I have ever witnessed. Not only did she match his banter – which is hard to do because he cuts up – she also could see that I was upset. She took me for a walk and calmed me down. Sharrell is truly deserving of the BEE award. I and my husband appreciate her kindness, loving care and commitment to service.

We agree!  Thank you Sharrell for exemplifying the heart of a DCH caregiver!

BEE stands for Being Exceptional Everyday. This award recognizes extraordinary service from our non-nursing staff. Any employee from any department (except RNs) can be nominated for the BEE Award. RNs are recognized for exceptional service with The DAISY Award.

BEE Award nominations will be accepted from patients, patients’ family members, physicians, DCH employees and volunteers. If you’ve experienced or witnessed extraordinary service from a DCH team member, then nominate that person for the BEE Award.

Clear display boxes, which include printed nomination forms, are located throughout DCH hospitals for both the BEE Award and The DAISY Award. Click here to use the electronic forms.