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BEE Award Goes to Candice Carpenter

Congratulations to Candice Carpenter, a perioperative technician in Outpatient Surgery Prep and Discharge, is one of our recent BEE Award recipients.

Candice was nominated by a patient who described her as impactful.

When Candice found out one of her patients did not get to ring the bell at the end of their cancer treatment, she made it happen for that patient. Candace took the time to get the patient from prep and discharge to the cancer center to ring the bell and get that wanted closure for coming out on the other side of treatment. It meant more to the patient than anyone would ever know.

“I have met a lot of wonderful people along the way. But what she did it just proves that the littlest things can make the biggest impact on someone’s life. I can’t think of any reason more deserving to receive the BEE award. Candice is everything this award stands for. She didn’t have to do what she did to provide good care. I had a great experience even before she did that. But she went the extra mile just to make someone, to make me feel so special. Everybody should strive to be a Candice!”

BEE stands for Being Exceptional Everyday. This award recognizes extraordinary service from our non-nursing staff. Any employee from any department (except RNs) can be nominated for the BEE Award. RNs are recognized for exceptional service with The DAISY Award.

BEE Award nominations will be accepted from patients, patients’ family members, physicians, DCH employees and volunteers. If you’ve experienced or witnessed extraordinary service from a DCH team member, then nominate that person for the BEE Award.

Clear display boxes, which include printed nomination forms, are located throughout DCH hospitals for both the BEE Award and The DAISY Award. Click here to use the electronic forms.