Congratulations to Christina Carroll, our latest recent recipient of the BEE Award! Carroll works in Administration at Northport Medical Center.
Carroll was nominated by co-worker Dana Murphy who wrote:
“Tuesday, Jan. 16, all departments at NMC were experiencing staffing challenges due to the weather event. Nutritional Services was greatly affected, and there were no cashiers to service the staff or visitors. Steve and Jo were present and stepped into the cashier role for the lunch period. Jo knew how to perform this role but was not experienced in it.
“Christina stepped in and offered to assist in any way she could. She stood by Jo throughout the entire lunch period and helped her move the customers through the line more efficiently.
“Christina served as emotional support in a hectic situation so that services could be continued. Christina is not knowledgeable of the process, but she saw a need and stepped in to offer her assistance. This was definitely out of her wheelhouse, but that was not a hindrance to her willingness. She exhibited interdepartmental teamwork at its highest degree. I am thankful for her helpfulness and her awareness of situations to assist.”
Great work, Christina!
BEE stands for Being Exceptional Everyday. This award recognizes extraordinary service from our non-nursing staff. This means that any employee from any department (except RNs) can be nominated for the BEE Award.
BEE Award nominations will be accepted from patients, patients’ family members, physicians, DCH employees and volunteers. If you’ve experienced or witnessed extraordinary service from a DCH team member, then nominate that person for the BEE Award. If you’ve experienced or witnessed extraordinary service from a DCH team member, you can nominate that person for a BEE Award at