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DCH Quality and Patient Safety

How DCH Defines Quality

What is quality? It depends on who you ask.

"Quality" means different things to different people. If you ask someone to define the word "quality" in a hospital, you may get a variety of answers.

DCH recognizes that providing world-class patient care ultimately requires a commitment to ongoing improvement in patient experience, clinical outcomes, administrative processes and community involvement. That's why DCH relies on the talent and teamwork of its staff, physicians and administrators, and patient feedback when planning quality improvement initiatives.

Patient Safety

At DCH Health System, ensuring the safety of our patients is our top priority. We are committed to providing the highest quality of care in a safe and secure environment.

Patient Safety Value Statement: Continuously improve and inspire healthcare excellence for all people by promoting a just culture and striving to become a high reliability organization (HRO) by utilizing evidence-based tools and resources to implement the best standards of care, all in pursuit of Zero Patient Harm.

DCH approach to achieving our goals is to engage with partners who are nationally and regionally recognized, such as:

  • CMS Hospital Compare: Provides annual Star rating on dozens of outcome measures: focusing on mortality, readmissions, safety of care and patient experience
  • Leapfrog Group: national organization that publicly reports national standards and hospital performance.
  • ECRI is a patient safety organization that provides a total systems approach to safety. Providing DCH benefits such as:
    • Risk assessments
    • Educational opportunities
    • Access to industry experts
    • Literature services/searches best practices
  • Vizient Southeast: multistate collaborative of hospitals and health systems
    • Regulatory Compliance Surveys
    • Performance Improvement Collaborative Projects

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