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BEE Award Goes to Arianah Lewis

Congratulations to Arianah Lewis, PCA, 6 South, DCH Regional Medical Center, one of our recent BEE Award recipients.

Arianah was nominated by a fellow team member for her incredible act of kindness.

“One of our patients on the unit was in need of clothing and shoes, and Arianah noticed right away. Rather than just noticing the need and moving on, she took it upon herself to do something about it. She came up with the idea to get the patient a few essential items. Arianah teamed up with another employee, and together they went out of their way to purchase a shirt, pants, shoes, and even a hat for the patient. This selfless gesture truly made a difference in the patient’s life. It’s not something that’s required of her job, but Arianah’s empathy and dedication to her patients shine through in moments like this. Her kindness and thoughtfulness are truly remarkable, and we are so fortunate to have a PCA on our team who consistently goes above and beyond to make a real impact. Arianah's actions were a reminder of how small acts of kindness can bring great comfort to those in need.”

BEE stands for Being Exceptional Everyday. This award recognizes extraordinary service from our non-nursing staff. Any employee from any department (except RNs) can be nominated for the BEE Award. RNs are recognized for exceptional service with The DAISY Award.

BEE Award nominations will be accepted from patients, patients’ family members, physicians, DCH employees and volunteers. If you’ve experienced or witnessed extraordinary service from a DCH team member, then nominate that person for the BEE Award.

Clear display boxes, which include printed nomination forms, are located throughout DCH hospitals for both the BEE Award and The DAISY Award. Click here to use the electronic forms.