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DAISY Winner: Hannon Cannon

Congratulations to Hannah Cannon, RN, Emergency Department, DCH Regional Medical Center, for being named the latest recipient of The DAISY Award.

Nursing Team Leader Mary Gates nominated Cannon. Here is what she wrote:

“Hannah was the intake nurse who received the story of a patient who came in via triage. Hannah was very concerned about the patient’s story and [facilitated the patient being] placed in a room. Upon placing the patient in a room, Hannah [assessed] the patient herself.

“Hannah [quickly requested the doctor and coordinated with the charge nurse and the doctor]. [Then] the patient went to the Operating Room.

“Hannah’s quick actions and persistence truly impacted this patient’s care. I am so glad to work with nurses like Hannah.”

The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses is an international program that honors the compassionate care and clinical excellence nurses bring to their patients every day. The program is now in 4,300 health care facilities across 26 countries. To nominate a nurse for a DAISY Award, click here.