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Lewis & Faye Manderson Cancer Center Hosting Annual Breast Screenings in October

This October, Lewis and Faye Manderson Cancer Center is offering free breast screenings to women in our service area. Participants who meet the criteria listed below receive a clinical breast exam, learn about breast cancer and set up an appointment for a free mammogram. Pre-registration is required.

Criteria for participation:

  • Preregistration
  • No personal history of breast cancer
  • No health insurance
  • At least 12 months since your last mammogram
  • Must live in the DCH service area
  • Women 25 years old and older

General Screening: The first screening will be Monday, Oct. 18 from 5-7 p.m. You must pre-register by Oct. 13 to attend. Click here or call 205-343-8493 to preregister.

Exclusivo para la comunidad Latina: 25 de octubre, de 5 a 7 p.m. Tiendra que preregistrarse para el 20 de octubre. Haga clic aquí o llame al 205-539-5159..

This breast screening is sponsored by The DCH Foundation and DCH Health System.