DCH Health System Begins Selection Process for a Hospitalist Management Company
DCH Health System has invited companies that provide hospitalist management services to submit proposals to manage the programs at DCH Regional Medical Center and Northport Medical Center. Earlier this year, DCH decided to revisit its contracts for hospitalist management and to move from two different providers to one single company that will serve both hospitals. The two current hospitalist companies were invited to submit proposals along with several other interested groups.
“Our top priority is delivering quality care for all of our patients,” said Paul Betz, chief operating officer of the DCH Health System. “Partnering with one company that can staff both DCH Regional and Northport and manage the program at both campuses helps ensure quality, continuity and consistency of care, as the same providers, using the same care models, will be delivering care at both locations. It is the right thing for our patients and the community.”
The selection process, known as a “Request for Proposal” (RFP), is the best, fairest and most objective way to choose a hospitalist management company. In addition, DCH has retained an outside firm that specializes in coordinating the RFP process and evaluating the responses.
Proposals are due in mid-April and will be followed by a formal review process, with a decision expected by late spring.