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Visitation Policy Update

Governor Kay Ivey announced yesterday some updates to The Safer at Home Order. The updated order goes into effect today at 5 p.m. and can be read here Items 16 and 17 in the order pertain to medical facilities and have little or no change since the last update to the order. Therefore DCH’s limited visitation policy remains in force with only a slight modification. Now up to two healthy and screened visitors can be present for end-of-life events or consultations.

Fayette Medical Center’s Nursing Home is still closed to all visitors. Patients should not leave their care area to go outside to visit with others. All visitors must be healthy, wear a mask and submit to a screening including a temperature check. Within the guidelines provided by the state, DCH is updating its temporary visitation policy as follows for all of its campuses:

  • One visitor per outpatient cancer treatment patient for the initial consultation only.
  • One visitor per outpatient cancer treatment patient for treatment (only if the patient is insufficiently healthy or not mobile enough to proceed without assistance; otherwise, no visitors).
  • One visitor per maternity patient.
  • One visitor per NICU patient.
  • One parent/guardian can accompany a pediatric (18 or younger) patient.
  • Up to two visitors per patient for end-of-life events or consultations.
  • One private sitter per patient if the sitter is deemed to be truly needed to contribute to the patient’s care.
  • Any visitor must be screened and found to be healthy and at least 16 years old.
  • No visitors for procedures (cardiac cath., endoscopy, emergency/urgent surgery, etc.). A designated point of contact should be provided, by the family, and placed on the chart. This is in case the nurses or the physician need to contact someone during the procedure or share an update following a procedure. The perioperative staff will reach out to the point of contact to arrange a pickup or for other details.
  • No other visitors will be allowed.

Calls or video chats should be used for situations such as visits or family/caregiver education.