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How to Access Medical Records or Pay a Bill Without Coming to a DCH Hospital

In an effort to limit visits to DCH hospitals for issues unrelated to health care, we wanted to let you know about alternative ways to handle billing issues or request medical records. There are several ways to pay your bill or request an itemized bill without visiting the hospital.

For DCH Regional Medical Center and Northport Medical Center, payments may be mailed to:
PO Box 271550
Salt Lake City, UT 84127-1550

For Fayette Medical Center, payments may be mailed to:
P.O. Box 271098
Salt Lake City, Utah 84127-1098

To make a payment over the phone or request an itemized bill, call 205-343-7822.

To pay your bill online or request an itemized bill, visit:

Patients can request medical records, imaging “films” and billing records with our Health Record Request wizard. Patients also may access a subset of their records via MyDCH, the online patient portal. To request your medical record, or patient portal access online, visit: