As many of you are aware, The DCH Foundation canceled the upcoming BBQ & Blue Jeans event at Water Oaks Farms, originally scheduled for March 28. This decision was due to our obligation as a health care leader to help limit the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Many of our sponsors have graciously donated their 2020 BBQ & Blue Jeans sponsorship to a special fund that we have created to fight this pandemic.
We are so grateful to these leaders for their commitment to this critically important effort. If you would like to join them in the fight against COVID-19, click to donate here or visit The DCH Foundation website.
Also, a reminder:
DCH is conducting drive-thru COVID-19 screening from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily in the parking lot west of DCH’s Regional Medical Center. Please visit for up-to-date guidelines for the screening site as well as system information for patients and visitors.
Thank you so much for your partnership and for caring deeply for our community.
We will get through this together.
The DCH Foundation