The tiny Communications Department at DCH has gotten a great deal of help in providing updates over the last few months, both from internal departments and members of the community. We are so very grateful for all the contributions. They have increased the depth and scope of the information we have been able to provide.
This story comes from me, Andy North, because a recent conversation with my brother made me more curious about the symptoms of COVID-19. The following is shared with his and his wife’s permission.
My brother lives on the other side of the country. I called to wish him a happy birthday and found out he and his wife had recently recovered from COVID-19. I hadn’t even known this had happened to them, and so I started asking questions.
Neither of them had any notable respiratory symptoms or fever. First my brother, then his wife, had body aches, extreme fatigue and then a sore throat. They both tested positive and slept for about three days straight before starting to feel better. They were fortunate to weather the virus so well, and I am grateful.
Additionally, according to Dr. Blake Lovely, an emergency medicine physician at DCH, it has not been uncommon for individuals to have no visible symptoms but complain of things like forgetfulness or feeling a little loopy. In cases like that, their tested oxygen levels are sometimes alarmingly low, but other than some shortness of breath, they don’t seem to have many of the symptoms normally associated with low oxygen saturation levels. Many with this “happy hypoxia” turn out to be COVID-19 positive.
Of course, there are also examples where things have not gone as well, as we have seen across the country and in the DCH daily reports. The examples mentioned above merely underscore the broad scope of how this virus presents itself. The good news is, we are learning more every day and are fortunate to be much more prepared with information and options than those who first faced this virus.
With those thoughts in mind, take a look at this CDC webpage on COVID-19 symptoms They are continually updating the site as more information comes in. DCH providers are using the CDC guidelines on symptoms (especially at the remote screening and testing site) to determine who should be tested.
Hopefully this information is useful to you as you make decisions for you and your loved ones. Stay safe everyone.