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Increased PUIs

Late last week a few residents at Fayette Medical Center’s Long Term Care facility began showing symptoms of COVID-19. DCH decided to not only test those showing signs, but took the extra precaution of testing all the residents as well as any caregivers or other staff who work at the facility. Over the weekend, 106 residents and 134 employees were tested (a few more staff tests are being conducted today). Between residents and employees some positives were found, but the transmission appears to have been very limited. In total, there were five or fewer positives.

Residents who tested positive have been transferred to the hospital for proper isolation and inpatient care. Any employees who tested positive are required to self-isolate until 10 days after any symptoms are present.

For tracking, Fayette’s LTC residents were counted in the inpatient “patients under investigation” until the test results came in. This is why the PUI count was so high for July 4.