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Coronavirus Update and Health System Preparations - 4/24

Testing and Confirmed Cases

To protect patient privacy, we have established a minimum threshold of five for reporting numbers of inpatients with laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19.

DCH internal counts as of 2:20 p.m. on 4/24/20:

• 32 inpatients are being treated for COVID-19.

• 13 inpatients who are positive for COVID-19 are being treated in the ICU.

• Eight inpatients who are positive for COVID-19 are on ventilators.

• 201 (cumulative) have tested positive for COVID-19 including individuals from the ED, triage tent and inpatient. These individuals are not necessarily in the hospital.

• 3,391 (cumulative) have tested negative at DCH sites.

As a reminder, in the dashboard a PUI is a “person under investigation” which means the individual has COVID-19 symptoms but a test result has not yet come back.

Mask Use

DCH is seeking community help with conserving its mask supplies. If you come to DCH for an appointment, Emergency Department care, or as a visitor (if you are one of the few visitor exceptions allowed) please bring and wear your own face covering.

DCH Foundation Update

As previously mentioned, the DCH Foundation has been at the center of two community support efforts, Feeding the Frontlines and mask production/collection.

Feeding the Frontlines is a program where community donations are used to purchase food for healthcare workers from local restaurants. Here are a few details of what has been accomplished so far:

• Over 10,500 meals have been served (about 7,000 at the DCH campuses and 3,500 to first responders)

• Roughly $125,000 has been contributed by community members and businesses

The Foundation has produced two brief videos about the programs as a thank you to the community. The links are copied here.

Feeding the Frontlines video

Mask Makers video

Patient Experience Week

DCH works to provide a positive experience for its patients. National Patient Experience Week is next week, April 27-May 1. During the week DCH will recognize employees who have positively impacted the patient experience. Those who have been recognized in patient experience comments over the past year, March 2019 through March 2020, will receive special buttons and goodie bags.

If you know a DCH healthcare worker who has provided an excellent experience, then National Patient Experience Week would be a great time to send a thank you!