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Coronavirus Update and Health System Preparations - 4/27

Testing and Confirmed Cases

To protect patient privacy, DCH has established a minimum threshold of five for reporting numbers of inpatients with laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19.

DCH internal counts as of 2:20 p.m. on 4/27/20:

  • 33 inpatients are being treated for COVID-19.
  • 15 inpatients who are positive for COVID-19 are being treated in the ICU.
  • Seven inpatients who are positive for COVID-19 are on ventilators.
  • 221 (cumulative) have tested positive for COVID-19 including individuals from the ED, triage tent and inpatient. These individuals are not necessarily in the hospital.
  • 3,569 (cumulative) have tested negative at DCH sites.

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    On Sunday morning we were down to 29 inpatients with confirmed cases of COVID-19, 13 in the ICU and eight on ventilators. By Sunday night the numbers had gone back up again. In Friday’s report, we reported 33 individuals who were still waiting on test results. Today that number has gone down quite a bit, meaning many results came back and some patients who were thought to have the virus were confirmed with it. It continues to appear that we have not yet reached the peak at DCH.

    As a reminder, in the dashboard a PUI is a “person under investigation” which means the individual has COVID-19 symptoms but a test result has not yet come back.

    Included in today’s report is a new chart showing the percent positive among those tested both in the state and at DCH locations. Previously we shared an Excel chart of DCH’s testing only. In this version, some of the counts for DCH are a little higher than before, as this chart reflects totals by the end of each day (except today) versus data available at the time of reporting.

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