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Patient & Visitor

Specialty and Type of Practice

All providers at FMC Medical Clinic Millport serve as primary care practitioners. We have a qualified staff to meet all of your medical needs.

Our providers utilize DCH Fayette Medical Center for excellent ancillary services (lab, x-ray, etc.), inpatient admission, inpatient testing and treatment and emergency department services.

Telephone Calls

Due to the number of calls we handle each day, all messages are clinically prioritized. Attempts are made during normal business hours to return calls. However, due to occasional emergencies and unforeseen circumstances, some calls may have to be returned after hours or during the next working day. We ask that you leave a message for prescription refills and allow our staff appropriate time to return the call – approximately 24 hours.


It is the goal of FMC Medical Clinic Millport to see our patients who have immediate needs but do not have a scheduled appointment. Every effort will be made to meet your medical needs in a timely fashion and we ask for your patience, as we are also attending to scheduled patients. When you feel your symptoms are warranting urgent/emergency treatment, do not hesitate – go straight to the emergency room for these services.


Appointments are made for any type of care required, limited to the practice of family medicine. We will try to accommodate you on dates/times when possible. If no appointment is available for the time requested, you will be given the next available appointment. We ask that you limit the number of people you bring with you to our office for your appointment. The fewer people in the exam room with you, the more the provider can focus on you, the patient, without being interrupted. We ask that all cell phones be turned OFF during your visit.

Lab and Test Results

Important abnormal lab results will routinely be discussed at the next/follow-up office visit. It is very important that patients keep their follow-up appointments. Follow-up appointments are part of the continuity of care and provide you and the provider with valuable time to discuss your treatment process. If emergency/critical lab results are received, the office will call you with appropriate instruction/follow-up.

Prescription Refills

All patients must be seen annually to receive refills on routine medications. Please give a 24-hour notice for all refills. If you are going out of town, please have your pharmacist call 24 hours in advance for the refills when possible. ALL PAIN MEDICATIONS WILL REQUIRE THE PRESCRIBING PROVIDER TO REFILL AND WILL NOT BE REFILLED BY COVERING PROVIDER DURING THE WEEK OR WEEKEND. Emergency/special circumstances will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Prescriptions for controlled substances are not phoned in after hours.​

Payment Policy

All patients are responsible for payment AT THE TIME SERVICES ARE RENDERED. Most services rendered at the FMC Medical Clinic Millport are provided by a Nurse Practitioner. It is your responsibility to know if your health insurance company will cover services provided by a Nurse Practitioner.

As a courtesy to all of our patients, we will file your health insurance claim with your insurer for your reimbursement. If you have any questions about how your insurance will pay your charges, please direct those questions to your insurance carrier.

Our office contracts with certain insurance companies. You will be required to present your insurance card and driver’s license at the time of the initial visit to verify your coverage. In these instances, you will be required to pay co-pays, deductibles and/or co-insurance AT THE TIME OF SERVICE. (You will need to advise us of your insurance carrier when making appointments.) Anytime your insurance coverage/carrier changes, please notify us immediately or by your next visit.

Patients who meet certain criteria may be eligible for financial assistance. Patients can apply for assistance at the time of service in the clinic. In order to maintain your account in good standing with this office, please follow these guidelines:​

  • Payment is due in full at time of service.
  • If we have a contract with your insurance company and it does not pay allowed charges in full, you will be expected to pay your balance promptly. We will submit a patient statement to notify you of your balance due.
  • If your claim doesn’t pay or is greater than 60 days old with no payment, it will be your responsibility to follow up with your insurance company to determine why the claim has not been paid. You will be responsible for paying the bill.
  • Account balances are expected to be paid within 90 days from the date of service or they could be placed with an outside collection agency.

Please be advised that if your account has been placed in our collection file, and you request to be seen by one of our providers, you may be required to pay, in cash, money order or credit card, the collections amount IN FULL before being seen.


Several forms can be completed without an office visit. However, other forms may require a patient visit for completion. We will complete forms as quickly as possible, but require at least five to seven days notice on all forms. There may be a fee charged to complete the forms and payment is due before the forms are completed.