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Pastoral Care Services


DCH Regional Medical Center

Northport Medical Center

The Pastoral Care Services provide support to patients and family members with spiritual, emotional or ethical needs and issues. Chaplains frequently visit patients and family members in critical care areas and the Emergency Departments. Chaplains also visit patients and family when requested by physicians, nurses or community clergy.

There are two full-time chaplains, employed by the hospital, who work Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Both chaplains are on call nights and weekends for emergencies. During times of vacation or sick leave, there are two contracted chaplains who cover the hospital. There are also 15 volunteer chaplains. For family members of patients, there is an interdenominational chapel, located off of the South lobby, open 24 hours a day.

To contact one of our chaplains,
call 205-759-7900