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Grading System

The DCH School of Radiologic Technology uses a 4.0 grade scale. The GPA used to determine academic standing based on coursework completed DCH School of Radiologic Technology and approved transfer credit for requirements.

The grading system for the Program is as follows:

93 - 100 = A

83 - 92 = B

75 - 82 = C

Below 75 = F

Students must pass all didactic courses with a minimum grade of 75. This grade is computed based on the number of tests and assignments required in each course and will follow the grading system shown above. Any courses failed must be successfully repeated before the student will be eligible for graduation. The student may continue in the program if only one class has been failed. However, the course must be repeated when it is offered the following year. To ensure that all graduation requirements are met, clinic time missed to accomplish this will be made-up before the student will be eligible for graduation. To be eligible for graduation, the student must satisfy all graduation requirements within 150% of the published program length from the date of matriculation.